
Good snow day to you, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

It's tax time once again, If you need help with your return we are starting work on them now. Please reach out if you would like tax assistance from our team. If you've used us in the past please let us know that this year you'll still need our assistance with a quick reply to this email.

For getting us docs, please either create a Dropbox and share it with us (or use the one from last year, they don't delete!) or a Google Drive to share documents. Please do not email documents one by one-it's a sure fire way for something to get lost or missed.

If you create a Dropbox or Google Drive be sure to name it with YOUR COMPANY NAME IN THE TITLE. A good template is MY COMPANY TAX DOCS or MY COMPANY BOOKKEEPING DOCS or similar. Please DO NOT name the shared folder TAXES or TAXES 2021-or we will not be able to locate your folder in our long list of shared files.

Let me know if you have any questions, need Dropbox or Drive help, or if you are on an accelerated time line for any reason (refinance, needed financials for an investor, etc.)

Thank you, and here's to an expedient tax season with as little lumps and bumps as possible.

-Katie and the REV ATX team